About Us
We are a completely Czech company operating on the market since 2004. We focus on the production of SIPs, structural insulated panels on the basis of wood. We are based in Liberec.
We are a company with a significant innovation potential. Production technology and production facilities are a product of our own development. We have developed the EUROPANEL construction system, the foundation technology for ground screws, the pre-fabricated cores and the philosophy of Light Building construction, according to which many types of EUROPANEL type houses and Natura SPACE have been created.
We are certified, supervised and our products are safe.
Since 2004, we have been in possession of the Product Certificate No. 1141/222/§5a certifying that all conditions for the placing on the market of the EUROPANEL construction system are met pursuant to the Act No. 22/1997 Coll. and the Government Order No. 163/2002 Coll.
In 2017, the EUROPANEL construction system was awarded by the European Certification according to the European legislation and we hold the ETA 16/0508 certificate.
Since 2016, together with the University of Technology in Brno, we have been working on the TRIO project, co-funded by the Government of the Czech Republic, dealing with the development of residential buildings. In 2017, we built a research and development centre for the diagnostics of the perimeter structures of buildings and the management of their internal environment.
We are here for you. That is what we mean you, construction companies, but also you, who build, let build and enjoy the EUROPANEL homes. Everything we do, we do to improve our products and offered services. We have our own training system for construction companies, design and architectural offices.
We work at a highly professional level and share our knowledge and know-how. We give lectures at schools, we train construction companies, organize conferences and workshops, publish in professional magazines and professional electronic media. We do not only want to support our own business, but also to increase the level of knowledge about wooden constructions for the professional and lay public.
We co-operate with secondary schools and universities and a number of research and development centres.
We are ecological. Our products are lightweight, strong, durable and can be easily recycled.
Experimental house
The research and development carried out by our company has created the need to build a research centre at our headquarters. Therefore, in 2016, we built this centre, which has many functions.
The EUROPANEL house serves as an example:
- of the possibility of using the EUROPANEL construction system under construction,
- of finishing the interiors and exteriors of the EUROPANEL constructions,
- of the solution for structural details.
The house is also equipped with electronics dealing with two key areas:
The first area is human health and well-being, for which the proper indoor climate of buildings is important. It always consists of several components affecting the person as a whole. These are in particular the temperature, humidity, noise, natural lighting, carbon dioxide content in the air and VOC, a set of volatile substances released from furniture, home textiles, plastics, etc. Our house has sensors for measuring these quantities and devices for adjusting their parameters in each season.
The second area is the operational life of buildings. According to the European Eurocode standards, all standard buildings are designed for the operational life of 50 years, with the intended use and routine maintenance. In order to ensure this requirement, the information on the state of the individual structures is required. Our experimental house is equipped with sensors that monitor the temperature, humidity in the air and the humidity of wood in the floor, roof and wall panels and structural wood elements.